Children's books, poetry collections, comic books, short stories, coloring book audiobooks, history books about obscure fermented meat name it! If it's fit to print, Karate Fight Publishing is likely plotting and scheming to bring it to life.
Based in Madison, Wisconsin, Karate Fight Publishing was founded in 2020 by Jesse Brookstein as a means for independent writers and artists to showcase their work in the inflated age of Amazon and best-seller lists.
Karate Fight Publishing also strives to create content focused on inclusivity, tolerance, compassion, and an honest respect for the lives and cultures of all human beings.
As we roll into our third year of operation, Karate Fight now features a wide range of children's & regional history books, poetry collections, and bundles of delicious landjaeger - all of which is proudly crafted in the great state of Wisconsin!
Stay tuned for more, and please remember to SUPPORT. LOCAL. ART.
Yer pal, Jesse